{ "version": 3, "sources": ["src/app/pages/allowance/allowance.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["import { PetInfo, FollowUpAction, AlertNotification, Criteria, Weight } from '@app/core/models';\nimport { Tool } from '@app/shared/utils';\n\n/**\n * Order matters\n */\nexport enum AllowanceStep {\n Ration = 'allowance_ration',\n Redirect = 'allowance_redirect',\n}\n\nexport interface AllowanceParams {\n /**\n * Tool that initiated the allowance module\n * Used for analytics purpose only, not handling scenarios\n */\n tool: Tool;\n /**\n * Tool that is not the current ongoing tool but that might be more appropriate for this pet with this product\n * For instance this will enable to display a button \"create a weight loss plan\" from SR or DA flow\n */\n incentiveTool?: Tool;\n /**\n * PetInfo object used accross the app\n */\n deprecatedPetInfo: PetInfo;\n /**\n * followUpAction is only set in case we initiated allowance from a weight management program (follow up);\n * It will be used to override automatically calculated currentProgram.\n */\n followUpAction?: FollowUpAction;\n /**\n * Wether the diagnosis information should be displayed inside the pet summary panel\n */\n displayDiagnosis: boolean;\n /**\n * Wether visit can be saved on exit\n */\n canSaveOnExit: boolean;\n /**\n * Reset when allowance is completed or exited\n */\n resetAfterRedirectStep: boolean;\n /**\n * Create consultation when allowance is completed before redirection\n */\n createConsultationBeforeRedirectStep: boolean;\n /**\n * Where to go when we click on edit patient in the pet summary panel (pet or weight)\n */\n editPatientRoute: string;\n /**\n * Where to go when we click on edit patient in the pet summary panel (pathologies)\n */\n editDiagnosticRoute: string;\n /**\n * Where to go when we click on edit selection in the ration allowance page\n */\n editSelectionRoute: string;\n /**\n * Label for ration primary button\n */\n rationPrimaryActionLabel: string;\n\n /**\n * display ration primary button with primary background-color\n */\n rationPrimaryActionHighlighted?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Route to redirect to at the end of the allowance tool;\n * Default to patient page (tab health or weight management)\n */\n forcedRedirectRoute?: string;\n /**\n * Show wet product selection incentive\n */\n showWetProductSelectionIncentive: boolean;\n /**\n * Smart reco wet product criteria, usefull to sort patho/sensibilities\n */\n criterias?: Criteria[];\n\n /**\n * growthChart : past weights\n */\n notSavedPastWeights?: Weight[];\n}\n\nexport interface AllowanceFormProduct {\n productId: string | null;\n packId: string | null;\n qtyPerDay: number | null;\n}\n\nexport interface AllowanceFormValue {\n observation: string;\n dry: AllowanceFormProduct;\n wet: AllowanceFormProduct;\n}\n\nexport interface AllowanceError extends AlertNotification {\n blocking: boolean;\n keyTrad: string;\n}\n"], "mappings": "AAMA,IAAYA,EAAZ,SAAYA,EAAa,CACvBA,OAAAA,EAAA,OAAA,mBACAA,EAAA,SAAA,qBAFUA,CAGZ,EAHYA,GAAa,CAAA,CAAA", "names": ["AllowanceStep"] }